Jaroslawicz & Jaros, PLLC is proud to announce that Co-Partner Abraham Jaros was recently admitted as a member to the National Trial Lawyers’ Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association. This achievement highlights Attorney Jaros’ continued commitment to providing exceptional representation to victims and families who have suffered losses in preventable auto accidents. The Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association (MVTLA) is a network of top-tier attorneys who represent victims in personal injury claims involving motor vehicle accidents. The association is designed to collectively benefit members by establishing networking, training, and education resources. The National Trial Lawyers Association - MVTLA’s parent organization - is widely respected as one of the nation’s leading professional associations for trial lawyers. As an experienced New York City personal injury lawyer, Mr. Jaros has dedicated his career to protecting the rights of injured victims and families who suffer harm through no fault of their own. Throughout the years, Mr. Jaros has helped the firm recover millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of clients, including those injured in preventable auto accidents. Attorney Jaros works closely with our legal team to handle the full range of motor vehicle accidents, including taxi cab accidents, truck accidents, and bus accidents, among others. If you or your loved one has recently been injured in an auto accident in New York, you can be confident about placing your trust in Attorney Jaros and our proven firm. To learn more about your rights, call 212.227.2780 for a free consultation.